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Technical Projects

A Quick Visualization

The other day, I was watching a few TED Talks. I came across one that was interesting and the presenter definitely had passion for what he was talking about. He had also created a very interesting visualization. He was probably using the best software at the time, but man it looked old. So I decided to recreate his visualization with Tableau. It didn't take me too long to gather the needed data, join it in SQL, and import it into Tableau. Below is the original TED Talk and my updated version of his visualization.

This first video is the full TED Talk, but to have it start right when he explains the visualization go to this link:

And this video is my updated version.

In sharing this project with my wife that day, I realized how excited I was about being able to see something and recreate it with the tools I have. I enjoyed being able to go and find the data, combine it together, and then create the visualization so easily in Tableau.


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